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Sustainable Land Initiative

US-LT RCD partnered with multi-national software company cBrain to develop an end-to-end process to achieve sustainability goals and not just plan.  By streamlining the intake process, conservation practices and potential funding mechanisms are quickly summarized in a Resource Conservation Profile. Projects can be installed on the ground sooner with financial support available from multiple agencies and programs. The RCD can assist landowners from start to finish, speeding up the pace of sustainable land practices on the Central Coast. 

Interested in being part of the climate solution? Fill out your intake form below:

                                         Sustainable Land Initiative Intake Form 

Once RCD staff has a chance to review the form, we will reach out to schedule a  site-visit to walk through the remainder of the process. 


"We will lose the battle against climate impacts if we don’t pick up our speed of action. While ideas rooted in science are important, it is now imperative the focus move from ideas and ambitions to concrete implementation. That begins with executable public processes that reduce greenhouse gas emissions and increase carbon sequestration." cBrain (2021). 

traditional model of adopting sustainable practices
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Sustainable Land Initiative model

NEWS Update: February 2023.  USLTRCD has partnered with Cal Poly BioResource and Agricultural Engineering (BRAE) faculty and students to design and construct four (4) differents types of biochar kilns that will be accessible to interested community members beginning in the summer of 2023.  We plan to continue to work with BRAE faculty and staff to design other highly specified farm equipment such as compost spreaders, ploughs, no-till drills, wool pellitizers, and other equipment as needs within the community are identified.  

May contain: architecture, building, factory, manufacturing, workshop, and person